
5cm 12X24 American Chestnut Eased Edge ®

SKU: KS-2926

*How to clean travertine pavers?

The basic way to clean travertine pavers is to use a non-abrasive cleaner.  Many stores will carry all kinds of stone cleaners so just check on the container and make sure that the cleaner is designed for travertine pavers.  Some people will use over the counter dish soap and if you avoid the abrasive cleaners, you are good to go.  Basic non-abrasive dish cleaners will get almost anything out of travertine pavers.  I went to a house a few years back and the lady said she had not cleaned her deck in 10 years.  I told her a paver cleaner could come out and he would charge her a few thousand dollars to clean the travertine, but I also suggested she use a non-abrasive dish soap.  I returned to the job site the following week and the material looked brand new.  It was surprising how well it looked.  I asked her if she contacted the paver cleaner guy, and she told me she cleaned it up using the non-abrasive dish cleaner. She said it was easy to clean up.  She just used a mop, water and the cleaner.  What do I mean by abrasive?  I wouldn’t want you to use any of the dry powder that could just scratch the surface and damage it.  Whenever you clean anything for the first time, it is always best to clean a small surface first.  Just use the cleaner on small parts of the travertine pavers and see how well it cleans up the surface.  This can save you a ton of money on a paver cleaner.  You also want to avoid using an abrasive brush to clean it up.  Just avoid anything that would scratch the surface.

*Are travertine pavers low maintenance?

Yes.  One of the reasons people pick travertine pavers is that they are low maintenance.  Even though I describe how to clean travertine pavers, rarely is a professional needed to clean the travertine pavers, and most people can clean the pavers by simply spraying off the deck.